Members Only forums ! Important for (new) TX Members !!!

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1st Commander
1st Commander
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Members Only forums ! Important for (new) TX Members !!!

Post by DC-17 »

Hello everybody.

This message is important for new and future TX members !

You have to know that many of our forums are hidden, which means that only special groups have access to them.

There is one global " Members Only " forum, which you can find on our board index, and to which you will have access once you get in the clan. This forum is located right under our "Announcements" forum. If any TX member (which means someone who was approved in one of our divisions) can't see this forum, feel free to send me a Private Message (PM).

There is also one hidden "members only" forum for each of our division. If you get accepted in a division, you should receive your rank avatar and your access to the hidden forum related to it, which you can find if you click on your division's forum.

If you are in one of our division but cannot see its "members only" part, make sure you contact me, so I can fix that.

There are also hidden forums for staff members (News Report, GFX, ...)

These hidden forums are really important if you're a member of our clan, because it treats subject only TX members can see.

If you're not part of our clan yet, feel free to post an application wherever you're interested. We're looking forward to know you !

Have fun and see you soon !

// N.B: Vash is able to give you access aswell, but please message me directly (Dc-17) !

- TeamXtreme

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